Sherwood CC's Club Racing Rules

A programme of Club Time Trials will be drawn up by the Committee at the beginning of each year, the programme to
include an Evening Ten Mile Series and other Club Time Trials ("Acorn Events") as determined from time to time.
a) All competitors (including private trials) must sign a Declaration as detailed on a standard C.T.T. signing on
form before taking part in any Club Time Trial.
b) Entries to the Evening Ten mile Series to be made without the need for an entry form by paying the appropriate
fee prior to starting the event..
c) Entries to the Acorn Events to be made by paying the appropriate fee prior to starting the event. Handicaps will
be allocated based on previous performances in the same season. Riders competing in their first club event of the season
will not receive a handicap.
d) Entry fees will be determined at the A.G.M.
e) from 2020 it is mandatory to have a working red rear light to ride in all club TT's
Events counting for handicap awards will be handicapped by an approved handicapper.
For the purpose of awards Juniors and Juveniles are defined in accordance with prevailing C.T.T. Regulations.
Private trials do not count for any Club award or Club record. However, they are valid for a course record.
a) Evening Ten Mile Series Awards
The evening ten-mile series will be run as a Senior League, a Women’s League and a Junior League. Points to be awarded for positions on actual and handicap times in each League on the basis of 6 points for first, 5 points for second down to 2 points for fifth and 1 point for all other finishers. Handicap points will not be awarded for a competitor's first ride in a series. The overall winner of each section will be the rider with the highest total of points in that section from the ten highest scoring rides during the series. From 2020 a road bike category has also been introduced.
The winners of the Junior Handicap Section and the Senior Fastest Section will be awarded a trophy and plaque.
Winners of the other Sections will receive a plaque. A rider may take awards for both fastest and handicap Sections.
Where there is a tie for a place in an event the points will be awarded equally.
b) Acorn Trophy
All Acorn Events, with the exception of any team time trials or events after 30 September, will count towards the Acorn Trophy. Designated Open or association events will count as qualifying events using the handicaps given in these events.
Points will be awarded on the basis of 4 points for fastest and 1st handicap, 3 points for 2nd fastest and 2nd handicap and 2 points for 3rd fastest and 3rd handicap. All other finishers will be awarded 1 point. The rider with the highest total of points will be awarded the Acorn Trophy and a plaque.
c) Club Championships
Club Championships,
over 10, 25, 50 and 100 miles, will be held in events nominated by the Committee
The John Watson Trophy will be awarded to the winner of the 10-mile Championship.
The Albert Sharp Memorial Trophy will be awarded to the winner of the 25-mile Championships.
The Judge Trophy will be awarded to the winner of the 50-mile Championships.
The 100-mile Shield will be awarded to the winner of the 100-mile Championships.
e) Club Records
Plaques will be awarded to a rider breaking a Club Record at 10, 25, 50, 100 miles, 12 hours and 24 hours in any Club or Open Event. Separate records are awarded for men and women at these
distances and, from 2005, for both juveniles and juniors over 10 and 25 miles.
Plaques will be awarded for Club Records for teams of 3 in Open Events over 10 and 25 miles from 2005.
f) Halford Trophy
The Halford Trophy and a plaque will be awarded to the handicap winner in the 25-mile event designated. To qualify for this award the rider must have completed at least two solo time trials in any Club or Open Event during the season.
Where the event designated is also the Club Championship 25 and the fastest rider is also fastest on handicap the handicap trophy will be awarded to the second fastest on handicap.
g) Jack Ferguson Trophy
The Jack Ferguson Trophy and a plaque will be awarded to the handicap winner of the Nottingham - Skegness Race. To qualify for this award the rider must have completed at least two solo time trials in any Club or Open Event during the season. Where the fastest rider is also fastest on handicap the Trophy will be awarded to the second fastest on handicap.
h) D. H. Brooks Trophy
The D. H. Brooks Trophy and plaque will be awarded to the winner of the Nottingham to Skegness Race.
i) The Juvenile Trophy
The Juvenile Trophy and plaque will be awarded to either boy or girl. The rider must ride at least three Club Evening Ten Mile Time Trials. The winner of the Trophy will be the rider with the fastest time relative to the appropriate standard time for the age and sex of rider. Ages refer to age on 1 January.
The standard times are set as follows:
Under 14 yrs Under 15 yrs Under 16 yrs
Boys 27 mins 26 mins 25 mins
Girls 30 mins 29 mins 28 mins
j) New World Trophy
The New World Trophy and plaque will be awarded to the most promising junior for the year. A sub-committee appointed by the Committee will decide on the recipient.
k) Corona Shield
The Corona Shield and plaque shall be awarded to the winning team on standard in the Grand Prix des Gents team time trial.
l) Best All Rounder Awards (BAR)
Various best all rounder competitions have awards and the winners are decided on the eligible rider having the highest average speed over the relevant distances in qualifying events. The average speed is calculated by taking the average of the average speeds of each qualifying ride working to the nearest 0.001 mph. All qualifying rides must be completed by 30 September. The following BAR Awards are made:-
1) Long Distance BAR
The Roberts Bowl and plaque will be awarded to the rider having the highest average speed over 50, 100 miles and 12 hours in any Open or Club Event. From 2019 this trophy has been re-assigned to the highest average speed over the 25, 50 & 100 mile distances.
2) Club BAR
The Bavin Trophy and plaque will be awarded to the rider with the highest average speed over 25, 50 and 100 miles. The rides must be completed in Club Events or Open 25, 50 and 100 mile events.
3) Short Distance BAR
The Bert Morris Trophy and plaque will be awarded to the rider with the highest average speed in Club Events over 10 miles, Circuit TT and 25 miles – including the ANDCC Lighthouse 25. The Committee may amend the qualifying events if these designated events are not held.
4) Junior BAR
The Patchett Bowl and plaque will be awarded to the Junior rider with the highest average speed over 10 and 25 mile in any Club or Open time trials.
5) Veterans BAR
The Gino Brown Trophy and plaque will be awarded to the Veteran rider having the highest average "plus" speed based on Veterans' Standard Times over 10, 25 and 50 times in any Club or Open Event.
A plaque will also be awarded to the veteran having the highest actual average speed over 10, 25 and 50 miles in any Club or Open Event.
6) Ladies' Bar
The Ladies' Plate and plaque will be awarded to the lady having the highest average speed over 10 and 25 miles in any Club or Open Event.
m) Road Race Champion
The Jack Henstock Trophy and plaque will be awarded to the Road Race Champion determined by the rider with the highest total points won during the season up to 30 September in British Cycling events.
n) Cyclo-Cross Champion
A plaque will be awarded to the Club Cyclo-Cross Champion determined by the rider with the highest number of points in the previous winter’s Notts and Derby Cyclo-Cross League.
Where an award involves performances in Open Events a claim must be made to the Club Racing
Secretary with evidence of the performances.
Where there is a tie for an award the riders will be declared joint winners and a plaque or medal, as appropriate, will be awarded to each rider. Trophies will be shared with the joint winners holding the trophies for equal parts of the year.